2023-2024 Year
The Indian Creek High School will issue an Academic Letter to any student who fulfills the following requirements:
A. Has a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, (or was on the honor roll semester 1 of this year).
B. Completes a minimum of forty-five(45) hours of documented community service during a school year. (Students who are doing community service for credit will be required to do an additional forty-five hours of service. Students assigned community service by the court may NOT count those hours toward an academic letter.)
C. Submits a completed application by the posted due date. (The due date for 2024 is March 22.
D. Submits one letter of recommendation with the application for an academic letter. This letter should state the nature of the person’s community service and reasons why the person should receive an academic letter. Questions such as “what distinguishes this student from all others?” or “how has this student’s service had an impact on the community?” should be answered in the recommendation. The letter should come from the person with whom the community service was performed. If community service was performed at more than one site, then more than 1 letter is required. Letters may be submitted to Ms. Linhart with the application, via U.S. mail or through e-mail at An application is not complete until all required letters are submitted. Community service hours for an academic letter also count towards the Community Service graduation seal.